Staż - 1').'" class="odznaka icon w Y1 state100">
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'; } if (mb_strlen($text) > 150) { $text = ''; for($a=0;$a<9;$a++) { if (isset($tmp[$a])) $text .= str_replace("\r",'',str_replace("\n",'',$tmp[$a])).'
'; if (mb_strlen($text) > 150) { $text = mb_substr($text,0,200,'utf-8'); $a=10; } } $text .= '(...)'; } else { if (count($tmp) > 10) $text .= '(...)'; } // CLEANER $tmp = explode('
',$text); $ntmp = Array(); foreach ($tmp as $x) { if ($x != '' && $x != ' ' && $x != ' ' && $x != ' ') $ntmp[] = $x; } $text = implode('
',$ntmp); $tpl = str_replace('[text]',$text,$tpl); $add = ''; $tmp = explode('-',$p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom_date']); if ($p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom'] == "1" && $tmp[0] == date("Y") and $tmp[1] == date("m")) $add .= ''.$this->_Display->loadModule('widgets','Komunikat - Informacja Pretendent do Wiersza Miesiąca').''; if ($p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom_winner'] != '' && $p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom_winner'] != 0) $add .= 'Wiersz Miesiąca'.$this->_Display->loadModule('widgets','Komunikat - Informacja Zwycięzca Wiersz Miesiąca').''; $tpl = str_replace('[additional]',$add,$tpl); if($c==3 && $this->getAd('29')){ $html .= '
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'; foreach ($winners as $i) { $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= '
'.$this->_xml['categories'][$i['data']['category']].' / '.date("Y-m-d",$i['main'][0]['publish_date']).'
'; $html .= '
'.$uNicks[$i['main'][0]['client_hash']].''; $ar = cacheToArray($i['main'][0]['client_hash'].'_badges'); if ($ar['wx'] > 0) $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '
'; $main['poems-npom-winners-hr'] = '
'; $main['poems-npom-winners'] = $html; if (count($winners) == 1) { $main['poems-npom-winners-badge'] = '
'; } else { $main['poems-npom-winners-badge'] = '
'; } } // Lista wierszy w miesiącu i reszty $html = ''; $poems = $this->_Sql->select('*','poems','`active` = "1" AND `admin_active` = "1"','`publish_date` DESC LIMIT 8'); //$html .= '
'; for ($c=0;$c<1;$c++) { $list = ''; for ($b=0;$b<8;$b++) { $is_nop = false; $is_win = false; $is_dbt = false; $p = array_shift($poems); if (is_array($p)) { unset($poems[$p['hash']]); $p['raw'] = $this->_Sql->selectByHash($p['hash']); $p['data'] = $this->_Sql->parseByHash($p['raw']); unset($p['raw']); $tmp = explode('-',$p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom_date']); if ($p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom'] == "1") if (count($tmp) > 2) if ($tmp[0] == date("Y") && $tmp[1] == date("m")) $is_nop = true; if ($p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom_winner'] != '' && $p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom_winner'] != 0) $is_win = true; if ($p['data']['v64']['_poem_debut'] == 1) $is_dbt = true; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'. toTimeSi($p['publish_date'],true).'
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= ''; $list .= '
'; if ($is_dbt) $list .= '
'; if ($is_nop) $list .= '
'.$this->_Display->loadModule('widgets','Komunikat - Informacja Pretendent do Wiersza Miesiąca').'
'; if ($is_win) $list .= '
Wiersz Miesiąca'.$this->_Display->loadModule('widgets','Komunikat - Informacja Zwycięzca Wiersz Miesiąca').'
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $uAuthor[$p['client_hash']] = $p['client_hash']; $list .= '
'; } } //$html .= '
'; $html .= $list; } //$html .= '
'; $main['poems-list-box'] = $html; // // Lista pretendentów do Nowego Wiersza Miesiąca $html = ''; $pret = Array(); $py = date("Y"); $pm = date("m"); //$pm--; $day = date("d"); $co = 0; if ($day >= 1 && $day < $_npom_results) { $co = 0; } else { $r = $this->_Sql->selectRaw('SELECT * FROM `'._SQL_PRE.'poems`,`'._SQL_PRE.'var_v64` WHERE `'._SQL_PRE.'poems`.`active` = "1" AND `'._SQL_PRE.'poems`.`admin_active` = "1" AND (`'._SQL_PRE.'poems`.`hash` = `'._SQL_PRE.'var_v64`.`hash` AND `'._SQL_PRE.'var_v64`.`name` = "_poem_npom_fdate" AND `'._SQL_PRE.'var_v64`.`value` != "") ORDER BY `'._SQL_PRE.'var_v64`.`value` DESC LIMIT 20;'); $list = ''; foreach ($r as $l) { if ($co < 5) { $p = $l; $p['raw'] = $this->_Sql->selectByHash($p['hash']); $p['data'] = $this->_Sql->parseByHash($p['raw']); unset($p['raw']); $tmp = explode('-',$p['data']['v64']['_poem_npom_date']); $spm = $pm; if ($spm < 10) $spm = '0'.$spm; if ($tmp[0] == $py and $tmp[1] == $spm) { $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= '
'. toTimeSi($p['publish_date'],true).'
'; $list .= '
'; $list .= ''; $list .= '
'; $uAuthor[$p['client_hash']] = $p['client_hash']; $list .= '
'; $co++; } } } } if ($co > 0) { $html = '

Nowi Pretendenci do Wiersza Miesiąca

'.$list.'więcej'; } else { $this->_Display->_fields[3]=8; $html = $this->_Display->loadModule('pages', 'getad'); } $main['poems-npom-pretenders'] = $html; // // Lista autorów w miesiącu $html = ''; $cache_a = cacheToArray('author_m'); if ($cache_a && $cache_a['cache-time'] > (date("U")-300)) { $html = $cache_a['html']; } else { foreach($poems as $p) { $uAuthor[$p['client_hash']] = $p['client_hash']; } shuffle($uAuthor); /* $ulist = Array(); $pu = $this->_Sql->select('`client_hash`','poems','`active` = "1" AND `admin_active` = "1"','RAND() LIMIT 20;'); foreach ($pu as $p) { $ulist[$p['client_hash']] = 1; } $cu = $this->_Sql->select('`client_hash`','comments','`state` = "1"','RAND() LIMIT 20;'); foreach ($cu as $p) { $ulist[$p['client_hash']] = 1; } $uListGo = Array(); foreach ($ulist as $p=>$pv) { if (isset($uNicks[$p])) $uListGo[] = $p; } shuffle($uListGo); */ for($a=0;$a<6;$a++) { $p = array_shift($uAuthor); if ($p != NULL) { $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; if (file_exists(_FILES.'/icons/hd/'.$p.'.jpg')) { $html .= '
'; } else { $html .= '
'; } $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''.$uNicks[$p].''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $ar = cacheToArray($p.'_badges'); $badge = ''; if ($ar != false) { $b = ''; if ($ar['BETA'] == 1) $b = '
'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['GOOD'] == 1) $b = '
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'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['HONOR'] == 1) $b = '
'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['M'] >= 1) $b = '
'; if ($ar['M'] >= 2) $b = '
'; if ($ar['M'] >= 5) $b = '
'; if ($ar['M'] >= 10) $b = '
'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['P'] >= 10) $b = '
'; if ($ar['P'] >= 50) $b = '
'; if ($ar['P'] >= 100) $b = '
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'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['CG'] >= 100) $b = '
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'; if ($ar['CG'] >= 5000) $b = '
'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['CP'] >= 100) $b = '
'; if ($ar['CP'] >= 500) $b = '
'; if ($ar['CP'] >= 1000) $b = '
'; if ($ar['CP'] >= 5000) $b = '
'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['CAG'] >= 100) $b = '
'; if ($ar['CAG'] >= 500) $b = '
'; if ($ar['CAG'] >= 1000) $b = '
'; if ($ar['CAG'] >= 5000) $b = '
'; $badge .= $b; $b = ''; if ($ar['CAP'] >= 100) $b = '
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'mainModule' not found in /home/twiersze/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/twiersze/domains/ Display->loadModule() #1 /home/twiersze/domains/ Display->parseTpl() #2 /home/twiersze/domains/ Display->loadTpl() #3 /home/twiersze/domains/ Viewer->doWork() #4 /home/twiersze/domains/ Viewer->init() #5 /home/twiersze/domains/ require_once('/home/twiersze/...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/twiersze/domains/ on line 320